Game Review: Avenue Flo Series (1 & 2)

Ok.. I’ll admit it… I’m a sucker for the sweet, fun games with cute graphics and sugary sweet characters. And Avenue Flo checks all the boxes. If you’re familiar with the Diner Dash series and the Dinertown series, you’ll probably know that the series typically boasts of great voice acting, lovely graphics, and fun gameplay. Sure, these aren’t exactly meant to stretch your brain muscles, but hey, can’t a girl just enjoy some mindless, cute fun?


The first in the series (yes, Avenue Flo is turning out the third episode pretty soon) is Avenue Flo. Here we are introduced to the world of Dinertown and its characters, the most popular of whom is Flo. This poor girl has been traipsing all over the world saving diners, restaurants, weddings, and what-not, and in this series, she is full-on rescuing Quinn from one disaster after another. Continue reading